Wednesday 28 August 2013

Prompt #6 Which of the seven sins am I most guilty of

Prompt #6 Which of the seven sins am I most guilty of

The seven deadliest sins: Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy, and Gluttony.
Wrath is rage and anger.  Greed is the want for more or desire for possession.  Sloth is laziness or failure to do things.  Pride is the desire to be more attractive or important than others.  Lust is desire for anything.  Envy is jealousy.  Gluttony is to consume for than needed or selfishness.
Which one am I most guilty of?  SLOTH…
I am lazy, lazy, lazy :(
When I think of the sin sloth, I think of physical laziness and also mental laziness.  They fail to do the things that they should be, are unmotivated.  But I also think of the animal sloth, they are so CUTE! I love how they just hang out on trees all day and sleep.  But I am not at that level, I am lazy, but I would actually work and get things done.  Eventually….

I am a super procrastinator.  I tend to not do the things that I need to do until the last minute.  I especially like to procrastinate when I do my homework.  I can take HOURS just doing my homework.  I try to start my homework as soon as I get home from school so I could attempt to finish early, but I still manage end up finishing my homework at like 12am, sometimes I might even finish at 2am and at the latest 3am.  The reason why I am so slow is because I get easily distracted.  Everything amuses me when I do my homework, the walls, the table, my pencil, the carpet, and especially my bed.  That’s why sometimes I do my homework on the floor, so I wont fall asleep while I try to study, but sadly it doesn’t always work out and I just end up sleeping on the floor.  I am really, really, really slow at working; some people actually call me a snail because I work so slowly.  Just writing a one-page essay can take me almost three hours to finish.

I also tend to push things aside.  I will do things, but I just like to take my time but I WILL do them eventually but sometimes I just actually forget.  I have really really really bad memory.  My mom says that I have the memory of a goldfish because sometimes when she asks me to do something for her, and I tend to forget right away and that really makes her angry.  I tend to do things at the last minute, but I think that sometimes it really makes my brain work like I really actually do something quickly.  Now that really makes my mom angry, never doing the things she asks for in time, but in the end she is pleased with the results she gets.

I also tend to have a really hard time waking up.  I’m usually too lazy to leave the comfort and warmth of my bed, so I have to set up a bunch of alarm clocks and I like put them across the room so I HAVE to get out of bed to turn it off.

Usually, I like to take things slowly, like the sloth or a snail!  I tend to work slowly (During weekdays I tend to never get enough sleep) and I like to spend my weekends sleeping.  I know that being a sloth is really bad, but I can’t help it most of the times.  I am just too lazy.

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