Monday 12 August 2013

2.Describe Yourself

Prompt #2 “Describe Yourself”

Hello! JMy name is Sophia Tenorio.  I was born and raised in a teeny tiny island called Saipan.  I am a mix of Filipino and Chamorro, although I can’t speak either of those languages only English, my parents can speak Chamorro or Filipino (which makes me so outsider when my family talks Chamorro or Filipino around me since I don’t understand a thing, except like a word or two~) I also have two awesome younger brothers, one that is only a month younger than me and the youngest one is three years younger than me.  I love them a lot I try to keep them out of trouble and give them help when they need it.
(I'm on the right)

I am short. Both my brothers are already taller than me so I am the shortest in my family.  I have longish super straight black hair.  I also have dark brown eyes with long lashes, or at least that is what some people tell me, like a lot of my cousins say so.  I am tan and I get dark and burn easily when I spend too much time in the sun, which makes me sad.  I am quiet and shy, I do not like to talk, but on rare occasions I talk a lot.  I love my family and friends a lot and they everything to me.
(My brothers and I)
(I tend to work slowly)
I am currently a junior in Saipan International School, a school I went since I was in Pre-K.  I never went to another school except that school, I think.  I am extremely forgetful, to the point where I need to have constant reminders or I need to write it down on my arm with marker.  I can also be extremely unmotivated, lazy and a procrastinator, which really annoys my mom if she wants me to do something.  I do things slowly and at my own pace, but at least to her relief I get things done.  I am unmotivated, lazy and a procrastinator when it comes to schoolwork.  In class I tend to loose attention on the teacher and I like to look at the clock or doodle on my notebook.  I like to doodle jellyfish, whales and octopi on my notebook.  At home, it is where I am extremely lazy and constantly procrastinating.  When I do my homework I like to start early so I can finish early but I never do since I always get distracted and I seriously work slowly, I am nicknamed “snail” because of that.  I know I
need to change and I am trying to change that right now.
I am said to be unmotivated which is sometimes true because I’m lazy when it comes to things especially studying.  I really hate it.  Although I don’t sound like a very good student, I am an all right student?  I get good grades like I get mostly A’s and A-'s, except maybe one occasional B+, math, which is my weakest subject. I really want to improve my math skills.  I am also horrible at studying for tests, which I always tend to cram on the night before.

(My naughtiest kids)

   I LOVE kids.  I am always at my grandma’s house to help her watch my little cousins, which are ages between five years old and two years old.  They are a HANDFUL, but they make my day every time I see them.  I also really like sports such as volleyball and basketball.  Although I am really bad at both of them I really like to play.  I am not the most graceful person.  I tend to trip on myself or I bump into things or people.  And for some awful reason I am really bad at crossing the street.  No matter how much I look at the road, I apparently cross at the wrong time Every. Single. Time.
Thank you for your time!

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