Thursday 8 August 2013

New Year's Resolution

Every year is like a new start, it is the perfect time to change.  Like to rid of old habits and setting up future goals to get your motivation going for the New Year.  My New Year’s Resolution for 2014 is to learn how to drive, improve my SAT scores and to stop procrastinating.

I really want to learn how to drive.  My parents are always telling me that I need to learn how to drive so I can drive my brothers around, but no one is there to teach me.  My dad had tried to teach me how to drive once by taking me to a place where he used to practice his driving.  I learned how to turn properly and to avoid the holes in the ground, but I never got to learn how to park or back up because we ended getting lost in that area and we spent to majority of our lesson driving around to find our way out.  I never got a driving lesson after that, but I am hoping that they will teach me again.

I also want to improve my SAT score.  Right now I have an average SAT score and I really want to improve it.  My goal is to get maybe a 1750 on the SAT.  I really want to improve each subject.  I am really bad at timing myself since I like to work slowly and I also tend to zone out and I always end up wasting a majority of the time leaving me to rush through the rest of the test. L Last year I used to go to a class that helped students prepare for the SAT test, but now that teacher is gone.  So now I have to study on my own time by myself.  I need to work on my vocabulary, like memorize its definitions and read more books to improve my reading comprehension.  But what I really need work on is the math part of the test.  I am really bad at math and that is the part that I really need to work on the most.  I need to do more practice and have a better understanding of each problem.

 I have to stop procrastinating.  I always get easily distracted and my attention is easily lost during a lesson.  I always try to pay attention to everything the teachers say, but as the time goes by, my mind always end up wandering and everything that isn’t what the teacher is teaching catches my attention.  Even the floor catches my attention.  Not only during school is my study habits bad, but also at home.  I do not enjoy homework and I also work very slowly (I am a snail).  When I get home I always try to start on my homework early so I could finish early, but that never happens.  Sometimes when I’m doing my homework I would take “short breaks” where I would run around my house, usually I end up at my grandma’s house because my cousins are there and I love them.  I also tend to not finish what I started and move on to the next subject because I get bored easily.  Sometimes when I do homework I end up doodling on my homework, like drawing jellyfishes all over my paper.  When I do my homework I usually start early and finish late. 
I really want to break this habit since this is my junior year and I want to do well with no stress.  I will try to listen more carefully in class, take good notes and try to stop procrastinating so much.  I would also try to finish my homework before I run off to my grandma’s house.

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