Tuesday 20 August 2013

Prompt #3 Favorite Metaphor of Love

I don’t really have a favorite metaphor, but if I had to choose one, it would be “Love is Life.” A metaphor is a figure of speech that is meant to mean something but does not literally resemble said phrase.

I chose “Love is Life” because I think love is everywhere and in everything.  It is in us, apart of us.   We cannot avoid it or get rid of it.  It is an unavoidable feeling of affection, honesty, friendship and motivation.  Love can be the key into helping us with our problems.  It can motivate us, give us hope and most importantly give us happiness.  It is a way and part of life.

What do we look for in life?  What is it that we WANT?  What I personally look for in life is love and happiness.  Everyone wants to be loved and happy~!  I feel that in the future I will find these things.  Life may be tough but never give up!  There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, we just have to keep on going, CARRY ON!  Love is what can push us to keep going, to pursue our goals.  It is a push, or a motivation that keeps us up on our feet and keeps us walking.

Love is everywhere!  It’s in the air, the trees, the grass, in inanimate objects, FOOD J, basically in everything around us.  You can have emotional or affectionate love for things that are not really able to return the feeling.  Like some people might love a certain plant, for example a Taotao Mona tree (a tree that is found in Saipan) it could be a persons favorite tree that they really like, but it doesn’t mean that they would want to marry the tree, but they just maybe appreciate it.  Personally, I use to have, no, I still have this teddy bear that I’ve had since I was very very young.  I don’t bring it around everywhere I go anymore like I used to, but I can’t find myself to throw it away.  I keep it in my room, right next to my pictures of when I was young. Whenever I look at it, it always seems to take me back to my childhood, made me remember the times when I was a younger.  Loving things that may not be able to love back is natural a part of life, and can be a great thing.  It can bring us back in back in time and remember simpler times, milestones, love, or even heartbreak. 

Love is in our emotions, in our mindset, motivations, and goal.  We may do things out of love, albeit stupid and idiotic, it just makes us do things without thinking.  We go blank when we feel/want love.  Love makes us do crazy things, things that we might not even be able to explain but wont matter because we found love and we want it.  Having this feeling is simply a part of life.  Everyone eventually gets that feeling maybe once, twice, many times and sometimes people get hurt in the long run or may even find their soul mate.  People cannot avoid it.  Love can be found in everything, even when you feel as though you think may never find it, love is blind and can come at you at the most random time.  You might find your soul mate at a young age or at an old age, it’s so random.

 Love is life.  Love is in everything we do, think, and act.  It is important to us since it gives us hope, affection, emotions, motivation.  We may feel angry, jealous, happy, or sad.  
What would we be in life if we didn’t have love?

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