Monday 28 October 2013

Prompt #21 what are the things that I would teach and not teach to my children? How would my children do differently?

 Although I don’t have any children yet I think it is important to think of what I would want to teach my children when I have them. 

The first thing that I would want to teach my child is to always be honest.  I do not want to have my children lying all the time.  Lying would break down the trust that others would have for them.  So I want to make sure that they will always tell the truth.  I also want them to trust me and to be honest to me, which is what all mothers want their children to be to them.  I want to be the person that they know who will always be there to listen to what they say.  I want them to know that I will always be there for them with a helping hand.  There is no reason to be dishonest to me. 

Secondly, I would teach my children that family is very important.  I want to develop a very close bond with my children where they can always come to me for trouble.  I also don’t want my kids to constantly be raised by nannies or babysitters.  That would just make the bond between the parents and child kind of weird, or at least that was how I had felt.  I was not very close to my parents when I was young, I was already pretty independent for my age, usually doing things all by myself.  I don’t want my kids to feel like that.  Teaching them that family is important would also help them learn how to raise their own kids.

Thirdly I would teach them to just be themselves.  I want to teach my kids that its okay to be weird, its unique!  I don’t want them to change who they are for the sake of being like everyone else.  I want them to love themselves and be happy the way they are.  I don’t want them to act or dress like other people.

The thing that I would not teach my children is lying and saying any profanities.  Lying is bad, and saying profanities is something that many people don’t approve of.  I would probably allow them to say a few profanities but only at home when there are no guests.


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