Sunday 6 October 2013

Prompt #17 Define Beauty

Define Beauty.
I personally think there is no exact definition of beauty.  Everyone has their own preference and views on what is beautiful for them.  Everyone has different views and beliefs on what beauty is whether it be from the way someone or something moves, walks, acts, looks etc.  There may be no definite definition of beauty but there are two types of beauty.  Inner and outer beauty.

Inner beauty is pretty much defined as beauty on the inside.  Beauty on the inside is like another depiction of one’s personality.  Inner beauty is something that people cannot see physically, it is like someone’s nature, psyche, charisma, the way the act or talk.  People who are like loving, nice, selfless, etc. are said to have inner beauty.  For inner beauty, it is what is on the inside that counts, not the outside.  I personally think inner beauty is the most beautiful and is my definition of beauty. 

Outer beauty can be defined as beauty on the outside.  Beauty on the outside is anything that someone can see physically.  For outer beauty, it can be found in someone or even something.  It doesn’t have to be a living thing because it can just be anything that a person finds beautiful, like the sunset, sunsets are absolutely gorgeous, a boat, a painting, etc.  For a person, it can be they way they are shaped, apple, hourglass, pear, the color of their hair, the style of hair, height, weight, nose, ears and eyes.  In many places or countries around the world, there are a lot of meanings for beauty, mainly for outer beauty.  Some countries might have a certain culture that already has some kind of idea or view on what beauty for them is.  Beauty can be apart of a country’s culture or even in schools.  Students in school also have some kind definition of beauty, like the style of one’s clothes, shoes, hair, makeup etc. 

There is no exact or definite definition of beauty.  Everyone is beautiful in his or her own way.  No one should be called ugly because everyone has beauty in them.  “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” I think this statement is close to depicting what beauty is.

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