Sunday 20 October 2013

Prompt #19 If I could bring back one person from the dead, who would he or she be and what would I serve for dinner?

If I could bring any person back from the dead and have dinner with he or she; I would most definitely like to bring back my Lola (grandma).  She had passed away about two years ago and I really miss her a lot.  She lived in the Philippines and my family and I always visited her every year during Christmas and summer breaks.  She had always been sick because she had suffered a stroke when I was really young and it had enabled her to speak and move properly.  Because of that, she only stayed inside the house and wasn’t able to leave the house to got to other places like restaurants and the malls.

Because of her inability to communicate and because I live so far away and to only visit just a short amount of time, we were not very close.  Every time I visited her, I knew that she could never remember my name, I knew that she remembered me by just looking into her eyes and see that familiarity and happiness of see her one of her very few grandchildren.  Unlike my father’s side of my family, where there are tons of grandchildren and great grandchildren crawling all over the island, on my mother’s side, it is a very small family consisting of only three grandchildren.  Those grandchildren are my two brothers and I.  I think it must have been lonely for her to barely see her grandchildren. 

That is why I would like to bring her back and have dinner with her.  I would then be able to ask her a lot of questions and get to know what she was like when she was young.  All the things that my mom has told me about her was that she was strict and orderly, but I think that there was more to her character, I want to know where my mom got her brains and surprising fighting skills and strength from, possibly from her?!?  I would also ask her for embarrassing stories about my mom.  When my mom was young, she was very naughty and seemed like she was very troublesome.  I would ask her what my grandpa was like, because he too passed away before I was born. 
I would probably serve all of her favorite foods and everything that she couldn’t eat when she was sick.  Since she was sick, she only had a very limited choice, all of which she clearly had distaste for.  It would be amazing to have a chat and dinner with her!!
Another person I would like to bring back would be my older brother, who would either be a senior in high school or a freshman in college. It would be really nice if I could actually meet him.   I had always wanted an older brother.

If I could bring back a celebrity, I would most definitely bring back the legendary Freddie Mercury.

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