Thursday 12 September 2013

Prompt #9 What are the three things that will make my life perfect?


What are the three things that will make my life perfect?  There are many different things that can make my life perfect, but I’m pretty content with the life that I have right now.  But if I had to choose three things, first would be my family, second, having photographic memory and lastly to be good at math.

My family is first because they mean the world to me.  For me, it is always family first before anything else.  I really love my family, mom, dad, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, nieces, nephews, everyone.  My life revolves around my family, and I always like to spend at least a whole day with them.  I also really like to babysit my little cousins, nieces, and nephews.  They are so naughty and tiring to watch, but when they are happy, I am happy too. They always there to support me no matter what and are always there for me and also encourage me.  My friends are also like my family, they are all really important to me too.  I can’t live without either of them and I think I would go crazy without any of them.

The second thing that would make my life perfect would be having photographic memory.  Having photographic memory would really help me in life, since I have REALLY REALLY bad memory.  Sometimes it’s so bad that I can easily forget what was told to me like three seconds ago.  Like sometimes my mom would tell me to go get something in her car and I would walk outside and then be totally confused to why I was outside, then go back inside the house and do other stuff.  My mom tells me that I have a goldfish’s brain.  I also constantly rely on sticky notes or my ipod to remind me things too.  I am also never trusted to remember things because I will definitely not remember until its probably too late.
Lastly, the last thing that would make my life perfect would have to be having awesome math skills.  I SUCK at math.  No matter how much I study and practice, I always get the problems wrong in the test.  When I think I understand a math concept, its 100% wrong when I have a test.  During quizzes, I understand the problems and I sometimes get them correct, but when I get the test, I die.  I always  It’s like a whole other language.  I really wish I were good at math; it would make my life so much easier.  I don’t have a tutor, but I think I need one.  Although no matter how many times I ask my parents if I could have help, they tell me to “figure it out, you can do it” I know this means that they believe in me, but its just really stressful sometimes.  I’m not failing in math, but it is obviously my weakest subject.
have no idea what’s going on in the problems in a test.

~ It would also be awesome if I could raise a moose or sheep as a pet.

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