Sunday 22 September 2013

Prompt #12 My bucket lists

 A bucket list is a list of things whether it is experiences or achievements that a person hopes to experience or accomplish during their life. Having a bucket list can help you set goals for yourself, so I think setting up a bucket list is a really good idea for people.  You can add more goals to your list every time you get a new idea or inspiration and mark off each accomplishment that you did off of your list.  I think having a bucket list is important because it gives you an idea of what you want to do and experience in the future.

Here’s my bucket list:
 1Graduate from college (I’m not sure what I want to major in, hopefully somewhere in the medical          field)
2. I want three kids!  Two boys then a girl (when I get married)
3. Have a pet goldfish, or a turtle.
4. Own a dog, preferably a Golden Retriever or a Great Dane (reminds me of Scooby Doo)  (I like big      dogs)
5. Climb a tree!
6. Learn how to park a car, I’m terrible L
7. Go on a road trip with friends.
8. Pet a moose (my favorite animal)
9.  Go cliff diving.
10. Swim with turtles in the ocean.
11. Visit ALL the Disneyland amusement parks.
12. Visit an aquarium.
13. Go to the Smithsonian museum and see the dinosaur exhibit.
14. Visit Canada.  My mom went there and said it was BEAUTIFUL!
15. Visit Australia.
16.  Feed a crocodile or alligator.
17. Plant a garden.
18. Learn how to play an instrument, either the violin or piano.
19. Get a job.
20. Learn how to make balloon animals.
21. Speak Chamorro since many of my family members can speak it and since not many people can speak it anymore.
22. Make more friends (I’m really shy)
23. Meet the creator of Spongebob!!! (My favorite show of ALL TIME)
24. Ride a subway or train by myself (I get lost easily)
25. Attend a concert, doesn’t matter what kind of music
26. Go back to Peru
27. Work or volunteer at a children’s hospital or any kind of volunteer work
28. See and ostrich (my second favorite animal) or a reindeer! 
29. Go to the Zoo!
30. Feed an elephant or a giraffe.

And that’s all I got for now~
There’s more to come in the future!!

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