Monday 30 September 2013

Prompt #15 What do I want on my tombstone?

What do I want on my tombstone?  Hopefully, I wouldn’t have to think of death anytime soon since I’m still young.  And I still have things to do!  Like going to college and exploring the world.  I still hadn’t seen a moose yet either!  I need to see one before I die.
If I had to figure out what I would put on my tombstone, I would probably want my name, time of death, birthday, and the usual stuff that they put on the tombstones. 
Having a typical tombstone sounds and looks so depressing; I want my tombstone to be unique and personal.

Whale Shaped!
To make my tombstone unique and my personal, I would want my tombstone to be uniquely shaped, like maybe into a dinosaur, or maybe even a whale!  I would also like my tombstone a different color other than a dull gray, maybe a blue or actually, gray is fine too.  On my tombstone, other than my name, time of death and birthday, I would also like some sort of saying carved into my grave, I want it to say something light and not depressing like “In loving memory of Sophia, may she rest in peace” no, no, no.  I don’t want it to be sad, I want it to not be depressing, something like “I’m kinda claustrophobic in here” which I actually kind of am, I don’t do well being around crowed areas, I kind of freak out and cling to the people closest to me or try to get out of the area as fast as possible.
It could also be something really random like “Fancy living here I (originally it was “we”) come! La la la la laaa” (From Spongebob) or even one of my most common, frequently asked sayings that I always say, “Whatcha doin?”or “Hafa?”
Dinosaur Shaped!

I would also like my tombstone to be adorned with lawn ornaments.  I like the lawn gnomes, the flamingoes, pinwheels, and little statues of frogs, snails, and turtles.  I would also like a few toys sprinkled around my grave.  I’m still a child in the inside; I’m not a sophisticated, neat and simple kind of person.  I’m still a cartoon watching, Spongebob loving dork.  I don’t want my gravesite to depressing, unwelcoming and spooky.  I want it to be inviting, nice and happy I don’t want people to be sad when looking upon my grave.  I want people to see and remember
the happy side.

Fancy living here we come! La lalalalaaa
I don’t actually think that my tombstone would turn out like that, but its interesting to just fantasize what it could be like.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Prompt #14 The television has a greater effect on people’s lives than the telephone has. Do you agree or disagree?

I personally agree that televisions have a greater effect on people’s lives than the telephone.  Although the telephone has affected people’s lives greatly, I think the television has a much more bigger affect on people’s lives.  Although, when the telephone was first invented, it had a very big impact on the way people communicated.  It was much easier to communicate with other people from a distance and allowed people to communicate overseas.  The telephone helped people communicate much easier and faster than sending letters that could take weeks or months to receive.

The television has a greater effect on people’s lives because not only can you hear people, but also you can see people.  Telephones only able you to hear the other person on the other end of the line and usually, you know the person who you are talking to.  On the television, you see and hear people that you don’t know who might be from different places, cities, and even countries.  A telephone can connect you to other people around the world, but you can’t see them, only hear them.  With a television, you can see people from different countries with different languages and cultures.  Seeing those things might interest you to want to travel to those places and experience those places yourself.  A television helps you visualize places where you might want to go and visit.

Not only does a television make people visualize other places, it can also be educational.  There are many channels and shows that are educational and intellectual, that actually teaches you things.  Channels like Dora the Explorer or Ni Hao Kai Lan help teach you how to speak Spanish or Chinese.  Those kinds of shows are meant to engage people, mainly children, to learn to speak another language.  Other channels like the history and discovery channel are also very intellectual and educational.  They teach you about history and other intellectual things, the topics that are shown in the channels always vary and will always be educational for the viewers. 

The television is also influential to people’s lives.  Channels such as the cooking channel may influence people to want to become a chef.  Watching people cook things on television might influence viewers to want to become chefs or cooks too.  They would be inspired to learn how to cook by just watching others cooking on television.  People might also be influenced to become an actor or actress.  Watching movies and seeing their favorite actors and actresses might make them want to become just like them too.  Many people on television are seen as role models to the people who watch them on television.
Television may also have its negative effects on people’s lives too.  Some people might be addicted to watching the television or playing video games on the television.  They might become lazy and unmotivated to move away from the television.  Some people might be influenced to do the dangerous stunts that they see on television.  Dangerous and violent shows can influence curious and thrill seeking viewers to try to mimic and relive the stunts they saw on television. 

The telephone may have been around longer than the television, but I personally think that the television has a greater effect on people than the telephone.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Prompt #13 Define success

The literal meaning of success is “A performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors (  The meaning of success can be defined in many ways.  Every person has his or her own interpretation of the meaning of success.  It can be interpreted in many ways like being successful is having a lot of wealth, or to finish a level in a game, passing a subject or a test, achieving a personal goal, finding a job, finding love or a family, or even attaining happiness.  Everyone has his or her own opinion on success

For many people, success can mean achieving a lot of wealth.  Many people think of success as having a lot of money, a giant house, owning a beach house, having the latest technology or gadgets, wearing brand named clothes, having a high social status, and driving fancy cars.  They work and make more and more money to be wealthy and thus, successful.  Many people do this; they work hard and put a lot of their effort into making more and more money so they can afford the expensive pleasures in life like shopping and vacationing.  I personally don’t think that wealth is the very definition of success.

Other people, they may define success in a smaller scale, such as passing a test or a certain subject in school or college.  For some people, mainly students, the kind of success they are hopefully achieving is getting acing or passing all of their classes and tests.  A students’ life can be very very stressful, they might not have any time to think of bigger means of success and just mainly focus on their education for the time being.  Education is important; it can help you be more successful in the future.  Personally I think, as a student, this is very important; having a good education to make more success in the future.

People might also define success as attaining happiness.  Finding happiness in our lives is what I personally think is what success is.  Finding happiness is different for everyone.  People might find happiness in money, they like to shop, buy things, and some might like to do a certain kind of activity, like a sport.  Success can be anything that makes you happy.  It can be something simple, like doing a hobby or something big, like trying to help improve the world.  It can be anything that brings out the happiness in people.  I think that being happy in life shows success in his or her life.  If you are not happy, are you successful?  You might be successful financially, but not mentally.  Wealth is not everything, its important, but it should not completely consume your life.

Everyone has his or her own opinion on what the definition of success.  There are many other meanings that people might use to define success for themselves.  Everyone is different.

Happy Moose! :)

Sunday 22 September 2013

Prompt #12 My bucket lists

 A bucket list is a list of things whether it is experiences or achievements that a person hopes to experience or accomplish during their life. Having a bucket list can help you set goals for yourself, so I think setting up a bucket list is a really good idea for people.  You can add more goals to your list every time you get a new idea or inspiration and mark off each accomplishment that you did off of your list.  I think having a bucket list is important because it gives you an idea of what you want to do and experience in the future.

Here’s my bucket list:
 1Graduate from college (I’m not sure what I want to major in, hopefully somewhere in the medical          field)
2. I want three kids!  Two boys then a girl (when I get married)
3. Have a pet goldfish, or a turtle.
4. Own a dog, preferably a Golden Retriever or a Great Dane (reminds me of Scooby Doo)  (I like big      dogs)
5. Climb a tree!
6. Learn how to park a car, I’m terrible L
7. Go on a road trip with friends.
8. Pet a moose (my favorite animal)
9.  Go cliff diving.
10. Swim with turtles in the ocean.
11. Visit ALL the Disneyland amusement parks.
12. Visit an aquarium.
13. Go to the Smithsonian museum and see the dinosaur exhibit.
14. Visit Canada.  My mom went there and said it was BEAUTIFUL!
15. Visit Australia.
16.  Feed a crocodile or alligator.
17. Plant a garden.
18. Learn how to play an instrument, either the violin or piano.
19. Get a job.
20. Learn how to make balloon animals.
21. Speak Chamorro since many of my family members can speak it and since not many people can speak it anymore.
22. Make more friends (I’m really shy)
23. Meet the creator of Spongebob!!! (My favorite show of ALL TIME)
24. Ride a subway or train by myself (I get lost easily)
25. Attend a concert, doesn’t matter what kind of music
26. Go back to Peru
27. Work or volunteer at a children’s hospital or any kind of volunteer work
28. See and ostrich (my second favorite animal) or a reindeer! 
29. Go to the Zoo!
30. Feed an elephant or a giraffe.

And that’s all I got for now~
There’s more to come in the future!!

Monday 16 September 2013

Prompt #11 If I were to have one super power, what would it be and why?

If I could choose to have one super power, what would it be and why?
I have always liked the idea of having superpowers and I have always wished, since I was young to have a super power.  There are so many kinds of superpowers to choose from, I think it would be really difficult to just choose one since there are so many like, telepathy, levitation, flying, X-ray vision, super speed, super strength, ability to talk or turn to animals, invisibility, healing ability, time control, super intelligence, invincibility, elasticity, ability to shrink and grow larger, mind control, walk through walls and so much more that I can’t think of right now.  But if I had to choose just one, it would be to be able to manipulate the elements such as fire, air, water and earth. 

I really like this super power because it looks like so much fun.  I can manipulate the elements earth, water, air, and fire.  It can be useful for both fighting and even be used for leisure and enjoyment.  I can fight the bad guys using the elements, which are everywhere!  I can even use it for leisure things like cooking, especially barbecue (which is very common with my family) I can cook food at a much faster pace, with the manipulation of fire.  I can make soup faster, boil water faster, and cook meats and veggies faster! 
If I manipulate earth I essentially just throw giant rocks at other people.  A normal person could only throw a fist-sized rock at someone not very far and do a bit of damage to the person, but if they could manipulate the earth, a giant boulder could be easily thrown at full speed, and well yeah, there would be a lot of damage.  But its not like I would actually do that if I could do that, it was just a thought J.
If I manipulate air, I could make myself almost fly or levitate and blow people away.  I could even become fan on a hot day (everyday in Saipan). 
But my favorite element that I would like to manipulate the most would be water.  I think I would use this the most since I like on an island surrounded by WATER~!  And its rainy season right now so its pretty much flooded everywhere.  I also like water manipulation because my FAVORITE super hero, Mermaid man, can also manipulate water.  I can use water manipulation to turn water into ice and go ice skating, if I’m wet, I can manipulate the water away from me, making me dry, I can move the flow of water with my hands and move it to other places and it can even help me in swimming.

My second favorite super power would be teleportation.  Wouldn’t it be so useful if you could just teleport to your destination instead of walking?  It would be so helpful for me so I can stop tripping up and down my stairs or when I am running errands especially if I have to go to and from my house to my grandma’s house.  It could also make things done so much faster, and maybe help stop procrastination on chores.
My other favorite super power that I just found out was an actual super power would be Toy Manipulation.  It reminds me of one of my favorite movies Toy Story.  Walking talking toys was one of my dreams that I wished when I was younger that would come true.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Prompt #10 Should SIS allow students to use cellphones during the school day or not?

Should SIS allow students to use cellphones during the day or not?  Firstly, SIS stands for Saipan International School, the school that I go to.  As for the prompt, I think that students should be allowed to use cellphones during the school day.  They should be allowed to use the phone to make important phone calls or receive important phone calls.  I think that they should be allowed to use phones, but I think there should be some restrictions to using the cellphones during school hours.

Students should be able to use cellphones during school to make phone calls to their parents if they had forgotten something at home, or to tell them things like if they will stay after school for after school activities such as Math Court, Lincoln Douglas Debate, National Forensics League, detention, volleyball, or basketball practice.  Telling them this is very important because some students live very far from school, like 20-30 minutes away for some students.  Coming back and forth from school to home can waste a lot of gas, if they were not informed and came to school, that can be problematic.
They might also need to call for ordering lunch.  We cannot order before school because its too early to call, and the restaurant might be still closed, so called during class break is usually a good time to place an order for lunch.  The school lunch is quite horrendous and many students like to just throw it away or, a very popular choice, ordering Japanese lunch or Judys, or even Chinese lunch.  Many students do this.  They call the restaurant at break time and then by lunchtime, the lunch will be delivered. 

Some students’ phones also have internet.  Most of the time in school, students have a really hard time connecting to the internet and only a few students are able to connect.  But some students’ phones have 3G internet so they can connect to the internet anywhere they are, like school.  So I think that, if students need to research things for information and cannot connect to the school internet on their laptops, they should be able to resort to using their phones for research.

I think being able to use cell phones in school is a good thing, but it will need some restrictions.  Students should only be able to use their phone with the teachers consent only.  Some students might just use their phones for games, music, or texting friends.  I think that if a student is caught doing those things at the wrong time, they should be punished.  Maybe a detention or confiscation of the phone will be a proper penalty for the misuse of the phone.