Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Prompt #6 Which of the seven sins am I most guilty of

Prompt #6 Which of the seven sins am I most guilty of

The seven deadliest sins: Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy, and Gluttony.
Wrath is rage and anger.  Greed is the want for more or desire for possession.  Sloth is laziness or failure to do things.  Pride is the desire to be more attractive or important than others.  Lust is desire for anything.  Envy is jealousy.  Gluttony is to consume for than needed or selfishness.
Which one am I most guilty of?  SLOTH…
I am lazy, lazy, lazy :(
When I think of the sin sloth, I think of physical laziness and also mental laziness.  They fail to do the things that they should be, are unmotivated.  But I also think of the animal sloth, they are so CUTE! I love how they just hang out on trees all day and sleep.  But I am not at that level, I am lazy, but I would actually work and get things done.  Eventually….

I am a super procrastinator.  I tend to not do the things that I need to do until the last minute.  I especially like to procrastinate when I do my homework.  I can take HOURS just doing my homework.  I try to start my homework as soon as I get home from school so I could attempt to finish early, but I still manage end up finishing my homework at like 12am, sometimes I might even finish at 2am and at the latest 3am.  The reason why I am so slow is because I get easily distracted.  Everything amuses me when I do my homework, the walls, the table, my pencil, the carpet, and especially my bed.  That’s why sometimes I do my homework on the floor, so I wont fall asleep while I try to study, but sadly it doesn’t always work out and I just end up sleeping on the floor.  I am really, really, really slow at working; some people actually call me a snail because I work so slowly.  Just writing a one-page essay can take me almost three hours to finish.

I also tend to push things aside.  I will do things, but I just like to take my time but I WILL do them eventually but sometimes I just actually forget.  I have really really really bad memory.  My mom says that I have the memory of a goldfish because sometimes when she asks me to do something for her, and I tend to forget right away and that really makes her angry.  I tend to do things at the last minute, but I think that sometimes it really makes my brain work like I really actually do something quickly.  Now that really makes my mom angry, never doing the things she asks for in time, but in the end she is pleased with the results she gets.

I also tend to have a really hard time waking up.  I’m usually too lazy to leave the comfort and warmth of my bed, so I have to set up a bunch of alarm clocks and I like put them across the room so I HAVE to get out of bed to turn it off.

Usually, I like to take things slowly, like the sloth or a snail!  I tend to work slowly (During weekdays I tend to never get enough sleep) and I like to spend my weekends sleeping.  I know that being a sloth is really bad, but I can’t help it most of the times.  I am just too lazy.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Prompt #5 Your favorite trip

My favorite trip was when I went to Peru.  It was the most amazing trip that I had ever gone on.  Not only did I get to travel without my parents to an unfamiliar continent, but also I got to go there with my friends. 
The trip to Peru was a school trip that happens every two years for the freshman and sophomore class.  It is called Destino Peru.  The trip was introduced by Ms. Mili, who wanted to teach students about her culture and the places where she grew up.  It is one of the things that students looked forward to when they become high school.  I got to do it when I was a sophomore.
The very beginning of the trip started off with a pretty rocky start.  We left to the airport on June 12, 2013 at 2am~ There were a lot of us going on the trip, the biggest class that Ms.Mili has every brought with her.  But our flight was delayed and we ended up leaving the next day and we also had to take an extra flight to Costa Rica to get to Lima, Peru. 
Our trip started off in Lima, there we visited a school and interacted with the students.  We also met some of Ms. Mili’s relatives like Paula Chichizola, Pablo and Laura.
We went to other cities like Cuzco and Arequipa by bus.  We spent a lot of time in the bus.  Playing in the bus was one of my favorite parts of the trip, we really bonded during the long bus rides and it was a lot of laughs and fun.  My main bus buddy was Hatsy!  We played and sat together on the bus every time J.  She was also my roommate for almost the whole tripJ.  The hotel in Cuzco was the best hotel we ever stayed in, the rooms were really pretty and the food there was okay.  In Arequipa, we visited another school, and met our pen pals.  My pen pal was Ariana.  She’s so SWEET!  The students were very nice and friendly.  Even though I didn’t remember half their names, it was very fun.  They showed us around the mall and even threw us a party the night before we left Arequipa.  Arequipa was my favorite place to visit, I liked the hotel, the students, and especially the doorman who was extremely nice and also the owner of the hotel, he was also very nice. 
Machu Picchu was also an awesome place.  It was tiring to walk up all those steps to the top, but the view was AMAZING.  We were on top of the clouds so we could actually see them below us and some even passed through us.  It was also very rainy when we visited Machu Picchu so in the end we were soaked from head to toe. 
We also went to a Llama and Alpaca farm.  They were so cute!  We even got to feed them.  While I was there I learned that llamas really do spit when they’re angry, some of them spit at some of my classmates.

But my MOST memorable part of the trip was when I saw snow for the first time.  We stopped on the side of the road to play, and in the midst of playing; I stepped on a puddle and soaked my shoes.  I ended up wearing flip-flops for the rest of the ride on the mountain.  My feet were freezing.  There so many other things we did like visit a children’s hospital, sand boarding, river rafting, zip lining, the chocolate museum, garment factory and a history museum.  All of which were amazing!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Prompt #4: Is it better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice. Do you agree or disagree?

I think it is better if you ask for advice from other people and also use your own knowledge and experience to solve problems.  I think that taking advice from other people and also using your own knowledge and experience will be of better help than just taking peoples advice or just using your past experiences and what you have learned. 

Asking people for advice is normal, if you think that you don’t have any clue, are lost and don’t know what to do, asking for other peoples help is a sometimes a necessary solution.  You do not always have the answer to everything so asking other people for help is totally okay and anyway a bad thing to do.  Some people might not like the idea of asking for help, but sometimes I think it is necessary to just take a deep breath and just do it.  Some people might have a hard time approaching people for advice because they might be too independent on themselves that they think they don’t need the help and take advice from other people.  I personally, am an independent person because I was always by myself for most of my younger years.  I usually did things alone, like do my homework and sometimes I eat dinner alone because everyone in my house is so busy, so I always had a lot of time to myself.  But I, at times can be really dependent on people too.  I am easily swayed to go with other people’s advice and opinion than to trust my own gut sometimes, which makes me really confused and I start to over think the problem.  We make mistakes at times and the problem gets worse, but people are not perfect and we always make mistakes.  We just have to learn from it and move on.  This also gives us more experience!

Asking for others peoples help is always a good idea before going out to try to solve a problem.  Even if you think that you have the answer to something, you should ask people who also had the same problem as you.  Of course you shouldn’t do exactly as what that person had done in the past, but it should give you some ideas to help you figure out the best way to tackle the problem.  Sometimes a person’s advice might not seem like the answer for you, so that is the time to trust your own gut and go with they way you think is the way you should go.

Teens and children are very inexperienced with the world; we can be stubborn, defiant, curious, and think that we know what we are doing and think that its right at the time, but in reality it could be deemed as an idiotic move.  This is where the guidance of the adults come in, they were like us before, teenagers, and acted just like us in the past.  They have gone through the same problems as us and may have some advice for young rebellious, stubborn kids to not do what they did, think twice and use their head.
“Its up to you, your choices, your life” this is what my mom always says to me when I ask her for help, this has been one of the most stressful and most helpful advice that I had ever gotten.  It taught me to really think, Should I follow their advice? Or do I do what I think is the right way? Sometimes things don’t turn out they way you want them to and sometimes its better to go with what you think is the best solution to a problem.

So trust your gut and go!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Prompt #3 Favorite Metaphor of Love

I don’t really have a favorite metaphor, but if I had to choose one, it would be “Love is Life.” A metaphor is a figure of speech that is meant to mean something but does not literally resemble said phrase.

I chose “Love is Life” because I think love is everywhere and in everything.  It is in us, apart of us.   We cannot avoid it or get rid of it.  It is an unavoidable feeling of affection, honesty, friendship and motivation.  Love can be the key into helping us with our problems.  It can motivate us, give us hope and most importantly give us happiness.  It is a way and part of life.

What do we look for in life?  What is it that we WANT?  What I personally look for in life is love and happiness.  Everyone wants to be loved and happy~!  I feel that in the future I will find these things.  Life may be tough but never give up!  There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, we just have to keep on going, CARRY ON!  Love is what can push us to keep going, to pursue our goals.  It is a push, or a motivation that keeps us up on our feet and keeps us walking.

Love is everywhere!  It’s in the air, the trees, the grass, in inanimate objects, FOOD J, basically in everything around us.  You can have emotional or affectionate love for things that are not really able to return the feeling.  Like some people might love a certain plant, for example a Taotao Mona tree (a tree that is found in Saipan) it could be a persons favorite tree that they really like, but it doesn’t mean that they would want to marry the tree, but they just maybe appreciate it.  Personally, I use to have, no, I still have this teddy bear that I’ve had since I was very very young.  I don’t bring it around everywhere I go anymore like I used to, but I can’t find myself to throw it away.  I keep it in my room, right next to my pictures of when I was young. Whenever I look at it, it always seems to take me back to my childhood, made me remember the times when I was a younger.  Loving things that may not be able to love back is natural a part of life, and can be a great thing.  It can bring us back in back in time and remember simpler times, milestones, love, or even heartbreak. 

Love is in our emotions, in our mindset, motivations, and goal.  We may do things out of love, albeit stupid and idiotic, it just makes us do things without thinking.  We go blank when we feel/want love.  Love makes us do crazy things, things that we might not even be able to explain but wont matter because we found love and we want it.  Having this feeling is simply a part of life.  Everyone eventually gets that feeling maybe once, twice, many times and sometimes people get hurt in the long run or may even find their soul mate.  People cannot avoid it.  Love can be found in everything, even when you feel as though you think may never find it, love is blind and can come at you at the most random time.  You might find your soul mate at a young age or at an old age, it’s so random.

 Love is life.  Love is in everything we do, think, and act.  It is important to us since it gives us hope, affection, emotions, motivation.  We may feel angry, jealous, happy, or sad.  
What would we be in life if we didn’t have love?

Monday, 12 August 2013

2.Describe Yourself

Prompt #2 “Describe Yourself”

Hello! JMy name is Sophia Tenorio.  I was born and raised in a teeny tiny island called Saipan.  I am a mix of Filipino and Chamorro, although I can’t speak either of those languages only English, my parents can speak Chamorro or Filipino (which makes me so outsider when my family talks Chamorro or Filipino around me since I don’t understand a thing, except like a word or two~) I also have two awesome younger brothers, one that is only a month younger than me and the youngest one is three years younger than me.  I love them a lot I try to keep them out of trouble and give them help when they need it.
(I'm on the right)

I am short. Both my brothers are already taller than me so I am the shortest in my family.  I have longish super straight black hair.  I also have dark brown eyes with long lashes, or at least that is what some people tell me, like a lot of my cousins say so.  I am tan and I get dark and burn easily when I spend too much time in the sun, which makes me sad.  I am quiet and shy, I do not like to talk, but on rare occasions I talk a lot.  I love my family and friends a lot and they everything to me.
(My brothers and I)
(I tend to work slowly)
I am currently a junior in Saipan International School, a school I went since I was in Pre-K.  I never went to another school except that school, I think.  I am extremely forgetful, to the point where I need to have constant reminders or I need to write it down on my arm with marker.  I can also be extremely unmotivated, lazy and a procrastinator, which really annoys my mom if she wants me to do something.  I do things slowly and at my own pace, but at least to her relief I get things done.  I am unmotivated, lazy and a procrastinator when it comes to schoolwork.  In class I tend to loose attention on the teacher and I like to look at the clock or doodle on my notebook.  I like to doodle jellyfish, whales and octopi on my notebook.  At home, it is where I am extremely lazy and constantly procrastinating.  When I do my homework I like to start early so I can finish early but I never do since I always get distracted and I seriously work slowly, I am nicknamed “snail” because of that.  I know I
need to change and I am trying to change that right now.
I am said to be unmotivated which is sometimes true because I’m lazy when it comes to things especially studying.  I really hate it.  Although I don’t sound like a very good student, I am an all right student?  I get good grades like I get mostly A’s and A-'s, except maybe one occasional B+, math, which is my weakest subject. I really want to improve my math skills.  I am also horrible at studying for tests, which I always tend to cram on the night before.

(My naughtiest kids)

   I LOVE kids.  I am always at my grandma’s house to help her watch my little cousins, which are ages between five years old and two years old.  They are a HANDFUL, but they make my day every time I see them.  I also really like sports such as volleyball and basketball.  Although I am really bad at both of them I really like to play.  I am not the most graceful person.  I tend to trip on myself or I bump into things or people.  And for some awful reason I am really bad at crossing the street.  No matter how much I look at the road, I apparently cross at the wrong time Every. Single. Time.
Thank you for your time!

Thursday, 8 August 2013

New Year's Resolution

Every year is like a new start, it is the perfect time to change.  Like to rid of old habits and setting up future goals to get your motivation going for the New Year.  My New Year’s Resolution for 2014 is to learn how to drive, improve my SAT scores and to stop procrastinating.

I really want to learn how to drive.  My parents are always telling me that I need to learn how to drive so I can drive my brothers around, but no one is there to teach me.  My dad had tried to teach me how to drive once by taking me to a place where he used to practice his driving.  I learned how to turn properly and to avoid the holes in the ground, but I never got to learn how to park or back up because we ended getting lost in that area and we spent to majority of our lesson driving around to find our way out.  I never got a driving lesson after that, but I am hoping that they will teach me again.

I also want to improve my SAT score.  Right now I have an average SAT score and I really want to improve it.  My goal is to get maybe a 1750 on the SAT.  I really want to improve each subject.  I am really bad at timing myself since I like to work slowly and I also tend to zone out and I always end up wasting a majority of the time leaving me to rush through the rest of the test. L Last year I used to go to a class that helped students prepare for the SAT test, but now that teacher is gone.  So now I have to study on my own time by myself.  I need to work on my vocabulary, like memorize its definitions and read more books to improve my reading comprehension.  But what I really need work on is the math part of the test.  I am really bad at math and that is the part that I really need to work on the most.  I need to do more practice and have a better understanding of each problem.

 I have to stop procrastinating.  I always get easily distracted and my attention is easily lost during a lesson.  I always try to pay attention to everything the teachers say, but as the time goes by, my mind always end up wandering and everything that isn’t what the teacher is teaching catches my attention.  Even the floor catches my attention.  Not only during school is my study habits bad, but also at home.  I do not enjoy homework and I also work very slowly (I am a snail).  When I get home I always try to start on my homework early so I could finish early, but that never happens.  Sometimes when I’m doing my homework I would take “short breaks” where I would run around my house, usually I end up at my grandma’s house because my cousins are there and I love them.  I also tend to not finish what I started and move on to the next subject because I get bored easily.  Sometimes when I do homework I end up doodling on my homework, like drawing jellyfishes all over my paper.  When I do my homework I usually start early and finish late. 
I really want to break this habit since this is my junior year and I want to do well with no stress.  I will try to listen more carefully in class, take good notes and try to stop procrastinating so much.  I would also try to finish my homework before I run off to my grandma’s house.