Monday 25 November 2013

Prompt # 28 List 10 precepts (or quotes) that you live by.

 10 quotes that I live by:

1.Life always gives you a second chance. Its called tomorrow.
I like this quote because it makes me feel more hopeful about what happens the day after today.  If something bad happens, there is always tomorrow to try and make things better.

2.Stop looking at what you have lost, so you can see what you have.
This quote reminds me to always look forward and to not dwell on the past.  Usually, I tend to dwell on the past and always think of the things that I could of said or done that I regret.  Because I dwell on the past so much, sometimes I don’t see things that I have and don’t regret in front of me.

3.What goes around comes around.
This means that what you do will always come back to you.  Like if you did something good, something good will happen to you in the future.  This is Karma.  It can either be bad or good karma.  If you do something bad, something bad might happen to you in the future.

4.What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
I like this quote because it sounds inspiring.  It means that what doesn’t ‘kill’ you which can mean anything like any setbacks or troubles in life can actually help you become stronger.  Setbacks and troubles are all part of life and when you get through it, it can help you learn and become stronger.

5.Today you are You, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is Youer than You- Dr.Seuss
I am me.  There is no one else like me.  This quotes reminds me to always be myself and to not try to be like others.  There is only one of me and I am one of a kind.  I should always stay true to myself and just act like myself. 

6.You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose- Dr.Seuss
I am the one that can control myself.  This quote reminds me that I get to choose what I want and I should not let others tell me what to choose.  I should not let people tell me what to do since it’s my life and let me make mistakes so I can learn from it.

7.Treat people how you want to be treated.
This is an important quote that even my mom has always tried to hammer into my head.  This means that you should treat everyone how you would like to them to treat you.  If I am nice to someone, they will be nice to me too.  If I am mean to someone, they will be mean to me too.

8.We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past.  Become the architect of your future.
As I said before, I tend to dwell on the past and I always think of all my regrets and mistakes that I did.  This reminds me that I have a future waiting up ahead and I should stop thinking about the past and start working on the future.

9.Reach for the stars.
Reach big! 

10.The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go- Dr.Seuss
Education is important!  The more I study hard and do good in school, the more places I can go~ like to a good college~ then get a job

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