Monday 18 November 2013

Prompt #25 A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?

 I think a person’s idea is more important than a person’s clothing.  I think that a person’s clothing only represents their preferred style of fashion and their personality.  There are many misconceptions that come with judging a person by the way they look.  Sometimes people can dress to impress someone at first sight then later on, they turn out to be the exact opposite of what you thought that person was.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.  Do not just look at people by the way they look and dress, that means nothing to what the ideas they have in their mind.  Unfortunately though, the world seems to see that looks are more important than what people in mind have to offer.  They see that good looking, professional looking people are the ones that should be offered jobs.  It does not matter if a person that has no good ideas to offer to the world, but are actually professional looking they would most probably get the job than compared to a person with actual ideas to offer but looks unprofessional. 

People should start looking at people’s ideas than looking at their clothing.  If we actually gave those people a chance, listening to them instead of just looking at their clothing, we would be succeeding at a much faster rate.  But right now, for the people that don’t look professional and have good ideas, they have to work a lot harder than those who just look professional.   

It’s what’s in the inside that counts!  Remember, don’t just look at people judge them right off the bat, it is better to take the time to actually listen to them.  Sometimes a person’s clothing may match their ideas and sometimes they may not.

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